American Patrons of the National Library and Galleries of Scotland
American Patrons of the National Library and Galleries of Scotland

DIRECTORS: Jenny Young du Pont

Jenny Young du Pont Jenny Young du Pont.

Jenny Young du Pont is a lawyer and a nonprofit executive leader, with more than 25 years of experience working with a variety of philanthropic organizations as a trustee, director, and volunteer. For the past 11 years she has worked as a nonprofit executive leader in New York, holding positions as CEO & President, Executive Director, and Vice President of Corporate Relations, and has a particular focus on change management, relationship building, fundraising, and program growth. Prior to moving into the nonprofit field she practiced law for more than 10 years, both at large firms and in-house in the U.S. and in London, with a primary focus on corporate law and general business law. She is currently a Class Officer for Princeton University, a board member of the American Friends of the British Museum and the Conservation Law Foundation, and is the pro bono general counsel for the Citizens Science Association.